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Tuesday, 24 November 2015


Hi! Today I have for you guys a looot of pictures from Christmas Market Toronto 2015. It started 20th November and will be happening until 20th December. The price to go and see all of this amazing shops, trucks, elf etc is 5$ per person. You can see and buy there Christmas sweets from different part of world, listen to Christmas songs and also taste delicious Christmas coffee with rum!
In the middle of the area is very big Christmas tree. 

Coat- House
Scarf- Made by my mum
Jeans- Tally Weijl
Bag- David Jones

Wednesday, 11 November 2015


1. Dundas Square- all year long you can see there FREE movies, FREE concerts, FREE EVENTS.         Everyday there's something going on at the Square. It's also very close to Eaton Centre- huge               shopping mall.

2. Chinatown- Chinese downtown, where you can find a lot of Chinese restaurants, shops and cafes.       These prices are really low and food, which you can eat at their local restaurants is delicious!It's         also good place to buy souvenirs.

3. Hot dog trucks- you can see hot dog (and not only) trucks mostly in downtown, but also in                  different parts of city. Prices are around 2.5$ for hot dog.

                                                                                                                                                                    4. CN Tower- the 553m high communication and observation tower in downtown Toronto. The glass     floor at CN Tower is great!

5. Eaton Centre- It's a big shopping mall located in downtown Toronto. A lot of shops, clothiers and       restaurants. There is also beautiful glass ceiling.

Monday, 2 November 2015


Today- 2 November, but weather in Ontario is great! It looks like August or September. Temperature today was around 13 degrees Celsius. I wanted use the good weather, so I went for a walk to the lake. I chose pink skirt, T-shirt, boots and leather jacket.

Dzisiaj jest 2 Listopad, a pogoda w Ontario jest po prostu genialna. Wyglada jakby byl Sierpien albo Wrzesien. Temperatura dzisiaj balansowala w okolicach 13 stopnii celcjusza. Korzystajac z tej pieknej pogody i wolnego dnia wybralam sie na spacer nad jezioro. Na spacer wybralam rozowa spodnice, bialy T-shirt, kozaki oraz skorzana kurtke.

T-shirt- Mohito
Skirt- Forever21
Bag- H&M
Boots- No name
Jacket- Vera Pelle

Saturday, 24 October 2015


Today I have for you guys short description of Toronto Fashion Week 2015, which happened between 19-23 October. During whole week local designers presented their projects. The main sponsors of the shows were Mastercard and Maybelline New York. Because of our jobs, we were able to take part only in one show. It was Stephan Caras's show- Friday 7p.m. Stephan is very talented canadian designer, who was born in Greece. His dresses are really amazing! Not a lot of people know, that he was corporating with Tim Hortons. He designed career wear collection for them! Below you will find a lot of pictures of the show.

Dzisiaj mam dla was krotka relacje z Toronto Fashion Week 2015. Odbywal sie  on od 19 do 23 pazdziernika. Przez caly tydzien lokalni projektanci prezentowali swoje projekty. Glownymi sponsorami tego wydarzenia byla firma Maybelline New York oraz Mastercard.ze wzgledu na brak wolnego czasu i prace moglismy wziac udzial tylko w jednym pokazie. Jego autorem byl Stephan Caras. Pokaz odbyl sie w piatek o godzinie 19. Stephan to bardzo utalentowany i znanwy kanadyjski projektant. Urodzony jednak w Grecji. Jego sukienki po prostu powalaja! Nie wiele osob wie, iz zaprojektowal on ubrania dla pracownikow Tim Hortons. Ponizej znajdziecie duuuzo zdjec z pokazu.
Milego ogladania.  


Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Today I have for you guys recipe for healthy, indian dish.                       This is okra- called also as bhindi.
It's flowering plant from the mallow family.


- 300g frozen okra
- 1 table spoon of salt
- 2 big tomatoes                                                          
- 1 big onion                                                  
- 1 tea spoon of chilli powder
- 1 table spoon of chhole masala
- 1 table spoon of coriander
- 1 table spoon of garam masala
- 2 table spoons of curcuma

Cut onion in a small pieces, then put it into hot pan with oil. Fry around 5 mins. Then add tomatoes and spices. Fry together around 8 mins. Then add frozen okra. If you like you can add half glass of water. Damp everything around 15 mins.
That's it! It's great with indian bread :)

Dzisiaj bardzo prosty przepis na typowe, indyjskie danie.
Okra- po hindusku zwana rowniez bhindi.
To gatunek rosliny jednorocznej z rodziny slazowatych.
Bardziej rozpowszechniony chociazby w Indiach.


- 300g zamrozonej okry
- 2 duze pomidory
- 1 duza cebula
- 1 lyzka stolowa soli
- 1 lyzeczka chilli
- 1 lyzka stolowa chhole masala                                                  
- 1 lyzka stolowa kolenry
- 1 lyzka stolowa garam masala
- 2 lyzki stolowe kurkumy

Kroimy cebule w kostke i smazymy na rozgrzanym ogniu okolo 5 minut.
Dodajemy pomidory, sol i przyprawy.
Dusimy razem okolo 8 minut.
Nastepnie dodajemy mrozona okre.
Jesli calosc jest zbyt "sucha" mozesz dodac pol szklanki wody.
Calosc dusimy okolo 15 minut. Swietnie smakuje z indian bread :)

Monday, 19 October 2015


Today I have for you guys few new things. For those who live in Barrie and Toronto area I found perfect place for shopping. It's Upper Canada Mall at Newmarket. It's very, very big outlet. You can find there clothes, shoes, accessories and much more great things located in 200 stores. Prices and sales will make you such happy, that you won't want leave this place.

Witam! Dzisiaj mam dla Was kilka nowosci. Dla tych, ktorzy byc moze kiedys odwiedzali, beda odwiedzac, badz po prostu mieszkaja w okolicach Toronto zachecam do odwiedzenia Upper Canada Mall w Newmarket. Znajdziecie tam ubrania, buty oraz przerozne akcesoria, ktore zlokalizowane sa w 200 butikach. Ceny i promocje sprawia, ze nie bedziesz chciala stamtad wyjsc!

1. Nail Polish, Sally Hansen - 2,50$

2. Skirt, Forever 21, final sale- 8.99$

3. Soft, Buggy jeans, Winners, 29,99$
Upper Canada Mall.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015


Pumpkin season just started, so I have for you guys today recipe for pumpkin soup. It's tasty and what's more important healthy dish.


quarter average pumpkin
2 cloves garlic
1 onion
1 liter vegetable broth
2 tablespoons of butter
salt and pepper for taste
50g of sunflower seeds

Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes. In fry pan melt the butter, then add garlic onion ad. After couple of minutes add pumpkin and fry it around 5 mins. In a different pan heat the broth and add fried pumpkin, garlic and onion. Cook for 5 mins, then add salt and pepper. Remove from the heat and blend until smooth. At dry, hot pan pour sunflower seeds and sour for 3 mins. Add it to our soup and it's ready! Enjoy your meal!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Autumn style.

Today I have for you guys typical outfit for autumn time! It's 10th October and fall came to Canada definitely. We can see a lot of colorful leaves everywhere and days becoming shorter. Temperature here is around 14 degrees during the day, so it's still good chance to wear a hat. My style for these days is  a hat, grey hat and brown boots. Walking in park at this time it's great! I wish all of you guys have great weekend and enjoy Thanksgiving!

Witam! Dzisiaj mam dla Was typowy, jesienny outfit. Jest 10 pazdziernik i jesien przyszla do Kanady nadobre. Tak jak i w Polsce mozemy zaobserwowac przepiekne, kolorowe liscie i dni sa juz znacznie krotsze. Temperatura w Toronto to okolo 14 stopni w ciagu dnia, wiec to wciaz dobry czas zeby zalozyc kapelusz. Moj styl na najblizsze dni to kapelusz, szary plaszcz oraz brazowe botki. Spacerowanie po praku o tej porze roku jest po prostu swietne! Zycze Wam wszystkim udanego weekendu!

hat- Urban Planet
coat- Amisu
jeans- Tally Weijl
bag- no name
shoes- Town Shoes

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Today I want to show you guys two new cosmetics. The first one is a Sally Hansen Miracle gel and top coat. The second one is a lipliner from Rimmel London.
The nail polish and top goat, as is written on the box should look like exactly like shellac, but we can remove it by normal polish remover. For me it doesn't work unfortunatelly... I am not able to remove it by this. Second thing, after 3 days it doesn't look perfect. My advice is to use just a polish nail without the gel. It will be just like typical polish nail. The price for nail polish and top coat is around 17$
The lipliner is great to be honest. Good for someone who has pale skin. The lipliner lingers on a lips around 5 hours! It is great and the price is around 6$ ONLY!

Dzisiaj mam dla Was dwa nowe kosmetyki. Pierwszy to lakier do paznokci i top coat z serii Sally Hansen. Druga rzecz to konturowka z Rimmela, numer 18. Mowiac o lakierze i top coat musze wspomniec, iz powinien on utrzymywac sie do 2 tygodni, tak jak wspomina producent i dawac efekt hybrydy bez lampy. Moje wrazenia? Po 3-4 dniach odpryskuje... Moja rada to uzywac jedynie lakieru, bez top coat. Cena lakieru + top coat okolo 55zl.  Z kolei konturowka jest po prostu SWIETNA! Bardzo dobrze dopasowuje sie do osob z jasna karnacja i utrzymuje sie na ustach okolo 5 godzin. Cena za sztuke to okolo 18zl.

Co sadzicie a wspomnianych przeze mnie produktach? I am waiting for your comments!