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Saturday, 12 March 2016


Almost everyday I meet people, who are not happy enough in their life. They complain, saying that they don't have enough money, friends, opportunities or education. What's more they don't have enough motivation to change it too. Most of the time they focus on their failures, thinking they cannot go forward and change it. 
Below I will show you 8 reasons, why you should think about yourself, as about the most happy person.

1. If You get up and can afford to eat breakfast it means Your are happier than a lot of people (who         cannot afford it).

2. If Your have person beside you with who you can share everything (even express all your                     frustration and shout)- You are really lucky!

3. If You can afford to stop and buy a coffee, during busy day...

4. If You are able to go shopping (approximately once a month), You're richer than a lot of people.

5. If You are able to improve your education level& personal skills any time it means You can                 achieve a lot!

6. If You don't suffer from any illnesses- You are happier than 50% people around you.

7. If You have hobby, which don't let you be bored.... 

8. If You always think, that all failures are only stops on the way to success, you probably got                 everything  what You need to get it :-) 

If You read all these points and say: "Yes, I got it" it means there is nothing what can stop you achieving your goals and become the most happy person. Or maybe you are that person already?

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