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Saturday, 5 March 2016


Today will be little bit different post, but also different circumstances. For the last few days this question comes to my mind regularly. How to find motivation? How to start building your life and achieve more and more? In spite of having a job and my own blog last time I started feeling I want to get something more. Whenever I have some new plan in my mind a lot of factors come to destroy it, but it's just part of the life. The most important is not to give up when you have some new plan/ goal which you want to achieve. For me the best idea is to follow people who achieved what I want to achieve, just by their hard work. 6 months ago my life changed completely. I moved to Canada and started my life here. Honestly, after 1-2 months I lost all my motivation. I stopped achieving my workout goals and the travel's as well. Now I feel like I lost something. I let my motivation go away, because of all changes which happened in my life. However, now I feel stronger and motivated. What did help me?

1. Reading motivation books- my favourite one is: "The power of positive thinking" Norman Vincent     Peale.

2. BIG support, which I get from my family and my dad's smile. It motivates me a lot!

3. Following people who achieved the same what I want to achieve. I really respect people who didn't     have anything at start, but by their hard work achieved all their dreams. 

4. Eliminate from life people, who put you down, who only make you upset and don't give anything       good. Most of the time they are the reason that you still stand in the same place. 

1 comment:

  1. interesing and hopeful post <3
