Everyday I can hear the same question from different, sometimes random people: "Why did you move to Canada, if you can have better life in Europe"? Weird and difficult question. When people decide to change something and move, there is probably a lot of factors. These who know me, know that I am travelling lover. So this was main factor I think. As I always say- it's not move forever. Sometimes it's good to loose all your comfort zone- the place, where you feel safe. Someone, who has never experienced it, will never know what I am talking about. One Polish poet said that all we know about ourselves is, what we experienced. So even if I know, that the place now is worse I am trying to use the time as much as possible. Everything starts in a mind. If you will keep on complaining and wasting time, you will probably do it everywhere. Even if you will live in the best country in the world. One more thing... I would never appreciate all these people and things which I have back home, if I wouldn't move. Probably I would have never seen this huge support, which I get from my family every single day. We usually don't appreciate people, who are close, unless we don't have them with us everyday. Who knows, maybe if I wouldn't move I wouldn't meet so inspiriting people, who motivated me enough to care about my future. One thing, which I know for sure... I have grown up faster and I am stronger. I had to learn, that whatever will happen, it will be good. So in conclusion... From every decision, never mind if it's good or not you can get something for you. Easy example, I have never gone for Fashion Week in a different country. Here I got the chance. Hopefully now I will get less questions about the move :D :)
Have a nice Sunday evening!

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