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Friday, 8 April 2016

You can't control what happens, but you can control your reactions!

Will your self-confidence and self-esteem  protect you if you have hard time? Probably no, but it helps! I got new experience few days ago. Haters gonna hate. We know it, not from yesterday. But weirder thing is, that the most unexpected hate from people, who you treat as friends. We cannot control what is happening around us but we can control how we react! First thinking? Doing the same. If somebody speaks shit about you, you wanna do the same? You know it? Yeah, it's probably first thing, which comes up to you mind, but you shouldn't let it go! If you will get back at that person you will be exactly on the same level like him. If you are trying to achieve your personal development, you should avoid it! Putting somebody down and behaving exactly the same way will give you only pleasure for a while. Or even not this, if you present some good level of personality. Everything what doesn't kill us, make us stronger, this is true. Some people cannot stand seeing others happy. Even if that person is trying to motivate them to change something in their life. One day you are getting to know, that person, who you consider as a friend speaks shit about you. Should it hurt? Maybe...but not me! If you know, that you are worth more than people around everything changes. So, don't  hate, don't put down. If you don't have anything good to say, just walk away with smile on your face. Only people, who are mentally weak, underestimated and jealous can try get some pleasure by hating somebody. People who are different, who are motivated and focused on their own goals will never do it. Why? Because they know that they create world around by positive thinking and will not want to loose energy for hate. Work everyday for better version of yourself. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore. It's up to you if you want to be strong or intelligent,but never be the weak one! Happiness is a choice. So decide today, if you prefer live happy, thinking, that only what you give people is motivation or loosing energy for hate. Choose knowingly what kind of person you want to be, but also remember to throw out of your life people, who don't deserve to be there. Without hate and any other shit. Just walk away with smile and think that because of them you are stronger today, then you were yesterday. Paradoxical people, who wanted to hurt you the most contributed to your development. Today I want to say "thanks to him" for proving me how strong I am. I hope sometime, when I will become famous blogger and coach will see his progress as well. 


  1. The title of your post is one that I try to teach my kids. I think you are right. You need to choose who you want to be and how you want to act and then live your life that way. You can't control how other people are going to act so just be true to yourself.

    1. Alison! Thank you for the amazing comment :) it's really important to know how to react. No matter what is happening always try to be calm!
      Hugs :)
