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Sunday, 24 April 2016


I know, it's been a while since I created last fashion post. A lot of things, which are going on in my personal life didn't let me focus on fashion, but I am back! We are born to develop and make our dreams come true. That's why never mind what is happening in life we have to focus on our personal goals and don't let anybody to put us down. 
Today we have little cold, windy day. So Sunday's look includes coat and wedges. I bought coat and wedges in Poland. Shirt and jeans are from Canada.

coat- Orsay Poland
wedges- no name
jeans- Winners
shirt- Forever21
bag- House Poland
sunglasses- Fossil

Friday, 8 April 2016

You can't control what happens, but you can control your reactions!

Will your self-confidence and self-esteem  protect you if you have hard time? Probably no, but it helps! I got new experience few days ago. Haters gonna hate. We know it, not from yesterday. But weirder thing is, that the most unexpected hate from people, who you treat as friends. We cannot control what is happening around us but we can control how we react! First thinking? Doing the same. If somebody speaks shit about you, you wanna do the same? You know it? Yeah, it's probably first thing, which comes up to you mind, but you shouldn't let it go! If you will get back at that person you will be exactly on the same level like him. If you are trying to achieve your personal development, you should avoid it! Putting somebody down and behaving exactly the same way will give you only pleasure for a while. Or even not this, if you present some good level of personality. Everything what doesn't kill us, make us stronger, this is true. Some people cannot stand seeing others happy. Even if that person is trying to motivate them to change something in their life. One day you are getting to know, that person, who you consider as a friend speaks shit about you. Should it hurt? Maybe...but not me! If you know, that you are worth more than people around everything changes. So, don't  hate, don't put down. If you don't have anything good to say, just walk away with smile on your face. Only people, who are mentally weak, underestimated and jealous can try get some pleasure by hating somebody. People who are different, who are motivated and focused on their own goals will never do it. Why? Because they know that they create world around by positive thinking and will not want to loose energy for hate. Work everyday for better version of yourself. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore. It's up to you if you want to be strong or intelligent,but never be the weak one! Happiness is a choice. So decide today, if you prefer live happy, thinking, that only what you give people is motivation or loosing energy for hate. Choose knowingly what kind of person you want to be, but also remember to throw out of your life people, who don't deserve to be there. Without hate and any other shit. Just walk away with smile and think that because of them you are stronger today, then you were yesterday. Paradoxical people, who wanted to hurt you the most contributed to your development. Today I want to say "thanks to him" for proving me how strong I am. I hope sometime, when I will become famous blogger and coach will see his progress as well. 

Sunday, 3 April 2016


Everyday I can hear the same question from different, sometimes random people: "Why did you move to Canada, if you can have better life in Europe"? Weird and difficult question. When people decide to change something and move, there is probably a lot of factors. These who know me, know that I am travelling lover. So this was main factor I think. As I always say- it's not move forever. Sometimes it's good to loose all your comfort zone- the place, where you feel safe. Someone, who has never experienced it, will never know what I am talking about. One Polish poet said that all we know about ourselves is, what we experienced. So even if I know, that the place now is worse I am trying to use the time as much as possible. Everything starts in a mind. If you will keep on complaining and wasting time, you will probably do it  everywhere. Even if you will live in the best country in the world. One more thing... I would never appreciate all these people and things which I have back home, if I wouldn't move. Probably I would have never seen this huge support, which I get from my family every single day. We usually don't appreciate people, who are close, unless we don't have them with us everyday. Who knows, maybe if I wouldn't move I wouldn't meet so inspiriting people, who motivated me enough to care about my future. One thing, which I know for sure... I have grown up faster and I am stronger. I had to learn, that whatever will happen, it will be good. So in conclusion... From every decision, never mind if it's good or not you can get something for you. Easy example, I have never gone for Fashion Week in a different country. Here I got the chance. Hopefully  now I will get less questions about the move :D :)   
Have a nice Sunday evening!

Monday, 28 March 2016


So... Last  few days I had worse time. I was feeling homesick, around 7500 km away from home. I closed myself for other people for couple of days and spent time using Skype and call my amazing parents. I am not writing it to complain or  say how lonely I am or how much I miss them. I would like to show, what I learnt through this. Every difficult, not comfortable for us situation teach us something new. However, it's important how you react. First thing, which I saw is that human being is the only creature, who can make himself happy. Only you can control your feelings and it's up to you, which attitude you'll choose. Of course you can keep on telling everybody around how disappointed you are, but honestly it will not help you at all. Maybe you'll get little attention for some time, but what later? You'll end up in the same point. You are the only one, who can contribute to your happiness. Unfortunately big percentage of people equate their happiness with other people. Obviously they can be part of it, but only some part. For example feeling homesick, making me thinking  that I want to spend more time with my family, but on the other hand through this experience I could have understood how important they are for me. However, only time spent alone, showed me that IT'S ONLY ME who can improve my mood. Spending time, doing my hobby it's great medication! 
So... I hope after reading this post everyone, who is feeling so fucking bad and bagging for others attention only to improve his mood, will understand that it's way to nowhere. Get up and focus on your goals!

Sunday, 20 March 2016


I was sitting with him... She kept on complaining about everything what is happening in her life and how much he hates herself. I think he just needed somebody to talk and complain about everything. She was saying that she is so lonely, that he misses her ex, that she didn't achieve anything in her life, but  would like to get better job. That he doesn't have enough money and cannot afford to travel. She was saying, that during weekend only thing which she does is drinking alcohol and wasting time. 

I was listening to all these things and knew, that most of her problems she only creates. Everything starts in a mind, so if you want to keep on finding problems, you will always find some. Most of people do that. People problems' we can band in two groups. First are real problems and second are problems mostly created by people. The second group is of course much bigger. 

Negative thinking increase your disappointment of life. Obviously there are things in our life, that we cannot control, but most of them we can. If you can change something why you just cannot do that? If you cannot afford to travel, why don't you work harder?
Don't you think that instead of complaining it's better to change something? Challenge yourself all the time and I am pretty sure you will be happier. 
How do you deal with time when you want just sit and keep on complaining? I try to kill this thinking and focus on positive things in my life :)

Monday, 14 March 2016



The beautiful and windy Sunday's afternoon we spent in Toronto. St. Partick's Day was good occasion to visit the city once again and see beautiful parade. I was wearing two new my shopping HITS... First is grey basketball cap from Marshalls and second are sneakers from Aldo (price on sale- 28$!). I hope you will like and whole stylisation and I am waiting for your reviews :)

cap- Marshalls
Pants- Marshalls
Shoes- Aldo

Saturday, 12 March 2016


Almost everyday I meet people, who are not happy enough in their life. They complain, saying that they don't have enough money, friends, opportunities or education. What's more they don't have enough motivation to change it too. Most of the time they focus on their failures, thinking they cannot go forward and change it. 
Below I will show you 8 reasons, why you should think about yourself, as about the most happy person.

1. If You get up and can afford to eat breakfast it means Your are happier than a lot of people (who         cannot afford it).

2. If Your have person beside you with who you can share everything (even express all your                     frustration and shout)- You are really lucky!

3. If You can afford to stop and buy a coffee, during busy day...

4. If You are able to go shopping (approximately once a month), You're richer than a lot of people.

5. If You are able to improve your education level& personal skills any time it means You can                 achieve a lot!

6. If You don't suffer from any illnesses- You are happier than 50% people around you.

7. If You have hobby, which don't let you be bored.... 

8. If You always think, that all failures are only stops on the way to success, you probably got                 everything  what You need to get it :-) 

If You read all these points and say: "Yes, I got it" it means there is nothing what can stop you achieving your goals and become the most happy person. Or maybe you are that person already?

Saturday, 5 March 2016


Today will be little bit different post, but also different circumstances. For the last few days this question comes to my mind regularly. How to find motivation? How to start building your life and achieve more and more? In spite of having a job and my own blog last time I started feeling I want to get something more. Whenever I have some new plan in my mind a lot of factors come to destroy it, but it's just part of the life. The most important is not to give up when you have some new plan/ goal which you want to achieve. For me the best idea is to follow people who achieved what I want to achieve, just by their hard work. 6 months ago my life changed completely. I moved to Canada and started my life here. Honestly, after 1-2 months I lost all my motivation. I stopped achieving my workout goals and the travel's as well. Now I feel like I lost something. I let my motivation go away, because of all changes which happened in my life. However, now I feel stronger and motivated. What did help me?

1. Reading motivation books- my favourite one is: "The power of positive thinking" Norman Vincent     Peale.

2. BIG support, which I get from my family and my dad's smile. It motivates me a lot!

3. Following people who achieved the same what I want to achieve. I really respect people who didn't     have anything at start, but by their hard work achieved all their dreams. 

4. Eliminate from life people, who put you down, who only make you upset and don't give anything       good. Most of the time they are the reason that you still stand in the same place. 

Monday, 22 February 2016

Casual & sports

Hi everyone!
Today post from beautiful Toronto. With headache and paining throat- but as decided post will be every week. The weather changes last time makes me crazy, once is -20 degrees, then after few days 5 degrees. Just the weather made me mixed casual and sports style for going out. I hope spring will come soon - even to Canada and I will be able to show some new coats. I hope you also relaxed on Sunday and let you run away from daily problems.

cargidan- Forever21
jeans- Winners
bag- Marshalls 
turtleneck- no name
scarf- Reserved Poland
coat- Moodo Poland

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Black & white.

Hello everyone!
After few really cold days ( around -25 degrees) we got first warmer day- if we can call it warmer. Today was around -10 degrees and beautiful clear sky. I am not used to temperature like this so I appreciate every single warmer day. What's more today is Valentine's day so it was good occasion to go for Valentine's walk. I decided to look elegant and wear white shirt and black pants. - all from Forever21. I hope you will like the stylisation and I am waiting for your ideas for Valentine's day...Or maybe some good memories?

coat- House Poland
shirt- Forever21
pants- Forever 21
bag- h&m

Monday, 8 February 2016


Hi guys! Today I want to show casual stylisation for Sunday meeting with friends, hanging out for coffee or just a walk. About two weeks ago I was shopping in Forever 21, where I found great pants on sale. Their price was around 7$! I also chose high heel boots, which I got from Poland. It's also first time when I tried "stronger" than usually make up. I hope you guys will enjoy it and I am waiting for your comments :)


pants- Forever21
boots- CCC Poland
bag- Marshalls 
jacket- Yessica 
sunglasses- Reserved Poland

Saturday, 23 January 2016


Hi everyone!
Today we had beautiful, sunny day, so we decided to use it and go for a walk. The temperature was around -7 degrees, so it's not bad (as compare to yesterday's temperature -17 degrees). For the walk I chose leather skirt, soft neck sweater and warm casual jacket. It's difficult to look fashionable during so cold winter... What are your ideas for looking good this winter?

  bag- Marshalls
coat- Moodo
jacket- H&M
neck sweater- no name
skirt- Forever21